At the crossroads of computational, cognitive and system neurosciences, the group was founded by Romain Ligneul in January 2023. Its ambition is to find the right balance between theory and experimentation with humans and rodents to foster rapid progress in our understanding of species-invariant mechanisms involved in the regulation of action selection by neuromodulators, with direct implications for clinical research.
Thanks to the generous support of funding agencies, we are actively recruiting at every level. Prospective master and PhD students as well as postdocs interested in our research are therefore encouraged to contact the Principal Investigator and/or to visit the recruitment page for more information.
Why "Adaptive" Control?
Control refers to any process through which the output (or actions) of a system change as a function of its input (or sensations) in order to reach or maintain a desirable internal state. Control is therefore by essence adaptive. However, most control mechanisms (including those proposed to account for animal behavior) are themselves static and not subject to change. The term "adaptive control" is meant to emphasize the dynamic nature of control in neural systems. From a biological point of view, not only the algorithm used to solve a given control problem may change over time: the very nature of the control problem to be solved may change as well, as a function of past experiences and internal signals that contribute to define ongoing goals.
The group is embedded within the Computation, Cognition and Neurophysiology (COPHY) team, which is itself part of the Center for Neuroscience Research of Lyon. The COPHY team is composed by 8 permanent members (5 researchers and 3 engineers) as well as a number of postdocs, PhD students and interns, hence providing a vibrant collaborative environment for our group. We have direct access to numerous relevant resources at walking distance, including:
Human neuroimaging and electrophysiology: (f)MRI, PET-(f)MRI, MEG, EEG, sEEG (CERMEP)
Psychiatry and neurology services collaborating with research units to study various disorders (Vinatier, Hopital Neurologique)
Rodent neuroimaging: 2-photon microscope, confocal microscope, fluorescence microscopes (Neurocampus)
State-of-the-art vivarium with authorizations for transgenic/viral approaches (Neurocampus)
Efficient computing cluster (IN2P3 and in-house grid)
In addition to these common resources, the group currently ordering equipment from leading manufacturers that will be dedicated to our research. Our priority is the acquisition of:
a multi-animal (up to 6) or multi-site (up to 19) fiber photometry apparatus able to record signals elicited with 3 excitation wavelengths (415, 465 and 565nm)
several apparatuses for optogenetic stimulation of green and red-shift opsins
a complete Neuropixels 2.0 recording rig, as soon as it will be commercially available
The lab works with two species: humans and (transgenic) mice. Despite obvious differences in neuroanatomy and cognitive abilities, these two models are very complementary to study the neurocomputational bases of adaptive control.
On the one hand, the flexibility of human cognition allows investigating multiple cognitive mechanisms (and their interaction) in single individuals and neuroimaging (MEG,fMRI) techniques allows assessing the impact of cognitive tasks, disorders and treatments on the whole-brain with relative ease.
On the other hand, transgenic lines, viral vectors and invasive techniques permitted by the mouse model allow measuring (calcium imaging, biosensors, Neuropixels) and manipulating (optogenetics) the activity of genetically-defined neurons, thereby enabling us to test highly constrained hypotheses regarding the computations of small neural circuits.
Computational modeling plays a pivotal role to design behavioral tasks able to capture the analogous (or even better: homologous) processes in both species and interpret the data within a unified framework.
Given our interest in neuromodulatory systems, observing similar effects after similar pharmacological manipulations represents another crucial validation step and a real perspective for the translation of system neuroscience into psychological and clinical insights.
Monoaminergic nuclei irrigate densely the basal ganglia and the cortex from their highly conserved position in brainstem circuits supporting homeostasis and reproduction. These peculiar properties allow them to regulate large-scale brain dynamics in a coordinated fashion through signalling at multiple receptors with different postsynaptic effects. Thus, unraveling the information encoded by dopamine (DA) and serotonin (5-HT) neurons are key to connecting computational theories and neurobiological phenomena.
In the case of DA, this idea is no longer a hypothesis since the activity of DA neurons was found to encode reward prediction errors and to provide a coherent link between reinforcement-learning and decision-making processes in various species [7–9]. This discovery has led computational neuroscientists to suggest complementary roles for 5-HT.
One of our key hypothesis is that 5-HT neurons of the dorsal raphe nucleus (DRN) broadcast controllability prediction errors signals and that this signal triggers changes in multiple neural circuits subserving prediction and action selection mechanisms, with important consequences for our understanding of depressive disorders and antidepressant treatments, amongst others. As recent studies indicate that DRN 5HT neurons might be fractionated in subsystems, we are also interested in the interplay of controllability signaling with other information conveyed by these neurons, such as locomotion, reinforcement and sensory prediction errors.
Our group is particularly interested in the adaptation to (perceived) fluctuations of controllability, that is, the degree to which the environment provides agents with opportunities to alter the course of events and reach specific states through action. Indeed, several lines of research, including ours, suggests that (perceived) controllability and related causal constructs such as agency, self-efficacy or empowerment may play important roles in the regulation of affective control and in the arbitration between different learning and decision-making systems, with clinically-relevant consequences for cognitive and brain function.
Rooted in causal inference principles and information-theory, the models we develop propose that agents willing to estimate the controllability of their environment can do so by comparing the predictions generated by two internal models of this environment, termed “spectator” and “actor”, which represent respectively state-state and state-action-state transition probabilities. Thus, one of their core variable is the controllability prediction error, which determines how internal estimates of controllability should be updated to account for ongoing observations and predict future ones.
Besides our focus in the neuromodulatory pathways broadcasting this second-order prediction error to the forebrain, we are also interested in the cortical and subcortical mechanisms underlying actor and spectator representations.
A fundamental goal of neuroscience is to understand why organisms perform certain actions in a given situation. Current theories suggest that (at least) two distinct decision mechanisms compete and interact. Indeed, while different schools of thought emphasize different features, most agree that mammalian nervous systems may act based on fast "reactive" heuristics requiring little efforts and cognitive resources or based on a slower "proactive" process integrating finer contextual information and anticipating the consequences of alternative action plans.
Computational models help us to articulate controllability estimation with other prominent adaptive mechanisms guiding action selection, such as reward-maximization (i.e., reinforcement-learning) and uncertainty-minimization (i.e., predictive coding), and to draw specific hypotheses regarding its influence on mammalian behavior and its neurobiological underpinnings.
Ours and others works suggest that perceived controllability may regulate the cognitive resources invested to solve adaptive problems by contributing to the arbitration between different decision-making systems associated with: (i) proactive versus reactive, (ii) goal-directed versus habitual or (iii) instrumental versus Pavlovian actions. Yet, the cognitive and neural mechanisms through which this regulation occur remain elusive. Our hope is that elucidating this question will pave the way to a better understanding of neuropsychiatric disorders associated with imbalances in controllability estimation, as well as better diagnosis and more personalized treatment.
Currently, the Adaptive Control group funded by INSERM and the ATIP-AVENIR program. In addition, we are in the process of signing a Grant Agreement with the European Research Council for the project CRACK-5HT (ERC-STG-2022). The acronym CRACK-5HT stands for "Cross-species Regulation of Action by Controllability: a Keystone of 5-HT signaling?" which reflects the ambition to address long-standing issues in clinical and fundamental neuroscience.
How is controllability signaled and integrated within the forebrain alongside other second-order environmental statistics (e.g. reward rates, uncertainty, volatility) to regulate action selection?
What are the determinants of endogenous serotonin signaling and how does it interact with other neuromodulators such as dopamine and noradrenaline?
What are the neurocognitive pathways mediating the behavioral effects of serotonin in health and disease?
To address these questions, the experiments performed by Adaptive Control lab spans three disciplines:
System neuroscience. Viral vectors and transgenic mice allow us to record and manipulate genetically-defined population of serotonin neurons using light-based techniques, such as optogenetics and calcium imaging.
Cognitive neuroscience. Neuroimaging allows us to record proxies of whole-brain neural activity (e.g. BOLD signals, oscillations, evoked potentials) in humans performing either simple (i.e., rodent-compatible) and more complex cognitive tasks designed to dissociate the influence of controllability, uncertainty and reward expectation on learning and decision-making.
Psychiatry. Testing patients suffering from neuropsychiatric disorders (in particular, depression) allows us to evaluate the impact of serotonergic dysfunctions on controllability estimation and downstream cognitive processes.
To integrate data generated by these three approaches within a joint framework able to address our hypotheses, two additional components are essential:
Computational models for their capacity to probe analogous cognitive processes across tasks and species
Pharmacological interventions for their applicability to both mice and humans.
Clearly, these objectives will require team work and we will soon be recruiting postdocs, PhD students and technicians to implement this research program (and more). Stay tuned or contact us to express your interest already! We already have a position available.
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